2nd workshop "The AL.VIS software package in use"

G.E.O.S. invites users of the AL.VIS software to share their experiences - Latest improvements and modules presented

The geoinformatics division of the G.E.O.S. branch WISUTEC hosted the 2nd workshop "THE AL.VIS SOFTWARE PACKAGE IN APPLICATION" in Chemnitz in June 2023. About 25 participants from 4 federal states attended the workshop.

The software developers presented the latest updates of the AL.VIS software suite in seven lectures. Three presentations by users documented the positive experiences of customers in using the software and in working with the AL.VIS developer team.




The presentations covered, among other things

  • the new product AL.VIS/Webdesktop with an integrated Web-GIS,
  • the extensions for the calculation of time series in the product AL.VIS/Timeseries as well as
  • developments of a secure software architecture for the use on mobile devices for data acquisition.

were presented.

Furthermore, the extensive possibilities for the creation of evaluations and reports were explained.

Among other things, a project was presented in which AL.VIS/Objects is currently being used for the acquisition and management of coastal objects in New Zealand. The new 3D viewer integrated in AL.VIS/Objects for the presentation of point clouds, which were acquired by means of aerial photography, was used in this project for the first time.

Another novelty was the presentation of the fully automatic georeferencing of mining maps based on an AI module - the outcome of a research project in cooperation with the IWU Fraunhofer Institute in Chemnitz.

The workshop impressively demonstrated the successful performance of the AL.VIS software suite and the software developers were able to gain valuable momentum for the further software development.