Lithium exploration project in Austria proceeds to the next stage

Empfehlungen einer G.E.O.S.-Studie werden für die weitere Entwicklung eines bedeutsamen Lithium-Projektes umgesetzt

On behalf of the Australian company European Lithium Ltd (EUR), G.E.O.S. carried out a study in 2023 for the independent due diligence of lithium deposits in a licence area approximately 70 kilometres north of the Koralpe lithium project near Wolfsberg in Austria.

Kersten Kühn, Head of Deposits Department at G.E.O.S., European Geologist (EurGeol) and member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM) led the project, which is located in challenging alpine terrain. As a Competent Person (CP) under the The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code), he authorised the results for public disclosure on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Following the recommendations of the G.E.O.S. study, EUR has commenced preparations for an initial exploration programme in areas identified by G.E.O.S. as highly prospective for deposits of the lithium mineral spodumene. Geological mapping, soil and water sediment surveys will begin in Q2 2024 and will define the lithium-bearing geological structures more precisely. This will define the targets for subsequent detailed exploration.


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