Project management of the NordLink land cable route


Project: NordLink ± 500 kV high-voltage direct current transmission line from Tonstad (Norway) to Wilster (Germany) - Construction of the land cable route starts on 08.05.2019

The NordLink project has been planned and approved as a cross-border high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission link from southern Norway to Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) with a route length of approximately 623 kilometres (in Norway onshore 53 km overhead line, offshore 516 kilometres submarine cable and in Germany onshore 54 kilometres underground cable). The high-voltage direct current link will enable the transmission of 1,400 megawatts of renewable energy - wind power from Germany and hydropower from Norway.

G.E.O.S. is working on behalf of TenneT Offshore GmbH to lay the underground cable in the German section of the route from the cable's landing point near Büsum to the substation near Wilster.

The installation of the above-mentioned underground cable line will be carried out in a series of sections. Construction of the first section of the land cable route will start on 8 May 2019, running from the land protection dyke to Warwerort and covering a length of approx. 6.5 kilometres. The start of construction is being preceded by a successful approval process for a plan approval procedure in the NordLink project, in which G.E.O.S. played a key role.

The work carried out by G.E.O.S. for the laying of the underground cable essentially comprises:

  • Project management of all measures to ensure compliance with the project specifications,
  • the preparation and supervision of all work for laying the cable through specialist site managers,
  • the monitoring of the measures from the perspective of nature conservation and soil science,
  • Supervision over construction roads as well as upgrading and reinforcement works in the area of access roads,
  • HSE coordination,
  • recording and assessment of land damage,
  • accompanying surveying, documentation and preservation of evidences.