Recomine research project MindMontan launched
Kick-off event at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg - G.E.O.S. is a project partner
Under the project management of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, a new project has started: "MindMontan - Reduction of Water Pollution in the Mining Region Erzgebirge/Krušnohoři on the Example Hammerberg Flush Dump, Freiberg". The partners are G.E.O.S. Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH and Förderverein Montanregion Erzgebirge e.V.
The aim of the MindMontan project is to use innovative technologies to reduce the impact of mining activities on the environment both regionally and globally, to develop regional structures, to minimise social conflicts and to strengthen social development by actively involving the public.
The MindMontan project
At the Hammerberg sludge dump site in Freiberg, the leachates containing pollutants are to be treated cost-effectively and over the long term using new types of water treatment processes. The raw material water is to be restored to an ecologically and chemically good condition and thus the surrounding area decontaminated.
The planned modular design of the water treatment plant, consisting of chemical and biological processes, should allow for a roll-out to similar mine-affected sites worldwide and thus to be competitive in the global market. The integration of a solar module for independent energy supply for the operation of the plant will further strengthen the sustainable and innovative concept of the technology. The solar module comes courtesy of Meyer Burger Technology Ltd, Freiberg.
By developing and testing the process on pilot scale at the Hammerberg site of the SAXONIA Site Development and Management Company and involving public authorities, the economic and social development in the region is to be strengthened, for example through technology development or the creation of jobs. At the same time, this project is to be an important step towards achieving the goals set out in the EU Water Framework Directive and implementing the measures necessary for this purpose.
The planned progress and results of the project are to be publicised and used in an active dialogue with citizens and the general public to strengthen the Ore Mountains mining region as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
G.E.O.S. is contributing with process engineering expertise
G.E.O.S. is contributing to the project its expertise in the field of active and passive water treatment gained over the past decades. Examples are:
- Innovative Wasserbehandlung im Schwarzwasser
- Umsetzung der europäischen Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
- Demonstration eines Bioreduktionsverfahrens zur Bergbauwasserbehandlung