Bewertung, Konditionierung und Entsorgung von NORM-Rückständen (Scales) aus der Geothermie

In geothermal power plants, sludges from operating processes and scale from heat exchanger cleaning accumulate. These are fine-grained, sludgy materials. These residues are contaminated with naturally occurring radionuclides (NORM) and have high specific activities for Pb-210.

The G.E.O.S. branch WISUTEC was and is in several cases in charge of the radiological analysis and legal assessment of the waste in preparation for disposal. Since the source materials generally do not meet the waste law criteria for landfill, stabilisation tests were carried out on a laboratory scale. After the development of an approvable formulation, the conditioning of the scales at the site of the respective geothermal power plant was technically implemented by specialists from the WISUTEC branch.

After conditioning and solidification, the conditioned product was again subjected to analysis in preparation for disposal. With compliance with the landfill parameters according to German law, disposal in an above-ground landfill was possible. WISUTEC took over the approval of the release from radiation protection by the responsible authorities. Furthermore, WISUTEC organised and supervised the transports incl. the clearance measurement of the truck loading area and the disposal at the landfill.


  • Sampling and evaluation of the analysis of the scales
  • Laboratory tests for the immobilisation of the residues, evaluation and determination of a suitable conditioning formula
  • Conditioning of the individual batches on site
  • Preparation of transport and disposal of the conditioned scales
  • Radiation protection monitoring
  • Authority management
  • Documentation