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Our references
As a subcontractor of CONFIDO Engineering, G.E.O.S took over the geological and geotechnical construction supervision of the Nuremberg - Ebensfeld railway line upgrade in the planning section PA17 North (Erlangen North).
The approximately 10-kilometre-long section begins in the city of Erlangen north of the railway station and ends in the north of Baiersdorf. The four-track upgrade of the Nuremberg - Ebensfeld line is part of the Nuremberg (Ebensfeld) - Erfurt - Leipzig/Halle - Berlin railway connection in the German Unity Transport Project No. 8.
DB Netz AG über Confido Ingenieure GmbH
2014 - 2018
Antje Homilius
Tel.: +49 (0)3731 369-304
E-Mail: a.homilius@geosfreiberg.de
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