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This project of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection was coordinated by G.E.O.S.. The aim of the project was to use large-volume column experiments (diameter: 30 cm, height: 50 cm) and soils recognized by the German Federal Environment Agency for application in test procedures according to the German Federal Soil Protection Act/Ordinance to determine the most realistic KD values possible for the 9 radionuclides relevant to final disposal: Ni-63, Se-79, I-129, Cs-135, Ra-226, Np-237, Am-241, U-238 and Pu-239. The scenarios of rising groundwater due to capillary suction stress and irrigation were considered. A special GoldSimTM transport model was developed to simulate these tests, to which PHREEQC was coupled.
Federal Office for Radiation Protection
Dr. René Kahnt
Tel.: +49 (0)3731 369-407
E-Mail: r.kahnt@geosfreiberg.de
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