Erkundung der Kabeltrassen DolWin4 und BorWin4

Within the scope of exploration of the cable routes of the offshore grid connection systems DolWin4 and BorWin4, our associated company VBW Weigt GmbH was contracted for the geophysical and geotechnical exploration of a corridor with a length of approx. 180 kilometres. The project sponsor for the two offshore grid connection systems is Amprion Offshore GmbH.

For this project, G.E.O.S. provided geophysical and geotechnical support, monitoring and implementation of the subsoil investigation in the tidal flats, beach, shallow water and deep water areas and evaluated and assessed the data collected. VBW Weigt carried out the geophysical explorations and took over the project management.

The area under investigation is located in the south-western part of the German Bight in the North Sea. The corridors to be explored for the DolWin4 and BorWin4 cable routes start at the landfall point in Hilgenriedersiel in Lower Saxony and continue northwards via the island of Norderney to the respective planned converter platforms DolWin Delta in the north and BorWin Delta in the northwest. From the converter station BorWin Delta, 3 further routes were explored to connect the wind farm area N-6.7.

As part of the geotechnical investigation, vibratory core drilling (VC), pressure soundings with pore water pressure measurement, thermal tests with hand-held equipment on the drill core and soil physics laboratory tests were carried out. The main subsoil investigation report was prepared in accordance with the client's requirements and in conformity with the standard of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency and including the geophysical results.



  • Exploration concept (field and laboratory investigations) according to client's requirements
  • Geophysical and geotechnical support/supervision of exploration (pressure soundings, drilling works, thermal tests, etc.)
  • Geological documentation, photo documentation, thermal tests by means of hand-held measuring devices and sampling for laboratory tests on drill cores
  • Soil-physical laboratory tests
  • Evaluation and assessment of the data collected
  • Geological and geotechnical model along the routes
  • Characteristic soil values for the geological strata
  • Geotechnical assessment and final evaluation according to German Standards and client's requirements