Deposit evaluation: Competent Person's Report on the Zinnwald Lithium Ore Deposit / Lithium Zinnwald Project

Listed companies are subject to stringent auditing and reporting obligations in connection with changes of name and shareholder structure. This also includes the re-auditing of reports on resource calculation and evaluation for deposits by a "Competent Person".

In accordance with the "AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange", G.E.O.S. carried out a re-audit of the resource calculation report for the Zinnwald lithium deposit, including the new results on deposit geology and resource calculation that were added between the initial report from 2014 and the re-audit in 2018.

  • Reconciliation and update of the 2014 Resource Report with the supplementary exploration work and resource calculations carried out in the meantime until 2018.
  • Reconciliation and update of the 2014 Resource Report with the supplementary exploration work and resource calculations carried out in the meantime until 2018.
    Summarisation of the results in a "Competent Person's Report" according to the PERC Reporting Standard (Guidelines proposed by the Pan-European Resources & Reserves Reporting Committee).