
Monitoring of a contaminated site at the former army ammunition depot at the Altengrabow military training area

On behalf of the state enterprise for construction and property management Saxony-Anhalt, G.E.O.S. is carrying out groundwater monitoring for contaminated site monitoring at the location of the former army ammunition depot at the Altengrabow military training area.

The water levels and pollutant concentrations of the groundwater are monitored every six months through a large number of groundwater measuring points, which are installed in three different aquifers. As a result of the readings, an updated assessment of potential hazards to the protected assets is made. As a result, we develop recommendations for optimising the monitoring programme and the monitoring network.



  • Biannual coordination, monitoring and documentation of groundwater sampling
  • Planning, tendering, monitoring and documentation of the construction of groundwater monitoring stations
  • Evaluation of the data obtained and updating of the risk assessment
  • Deriving proposals for optimising groundwater monitoring