Planning and construction of the Menteroda-Wipperdorf leach pipeline

For the environmentally friendly disposal of leachate from the Menteroda potash dump, the saline water is piped via an approx. 14 kilometre long underground pipeline from the tailings pond at the dump to the central Wipperdorf leach pond. The pipeline was planned by G.E.O.S. in accordance with current regulations and is equipped with a leakage monitoring system in line with the latest safety standards.

The pipeline, with a maximum pipe diameter of 160 millimetres, was laid using the traditional open trench method with a trench cutter. The undercrossing of existing pipelines, water bodies, terrain jumps and infrastructure, e.g. through railway crossings, was carried out using controlled horizontal directional drilling (HDD method).


  • Planning and structural realisation for the long-distance pipeline for transporting waste water from tailings disposal sites
  • Permit management
  • Property management
  • Soil investigation
  • Hydraulic dimensioning and process engineering design
  • Planning of engineering structures and technical equipment
  • Construction supervision
  • Putting the facility into operation
  • Support for public relations activities