Sanierungsplanung, Strahlenschutzmaßnahmen und Entsorgung von radioaktiven Rückständen am Standort ehemalige NYCOMED in Oranienburg

Since 2012, the G.E.O.S. branch WISUTEC has been working on behalf of the Japanese company TAKEDA on the site of the former NYCOMED in Oranienburg. On the site are  waste deposits from tests with thorium-containing materials from the beginning of the 1940s from the previous century. The material was spread over the area by bombing.

WISUTEC carried out the investigation of the contaminated site, developed the radiation protection and monitoring concepts and carried out the management of the disposal of the contaminated excavated material.


  • Investigation of the contaminated site, sampling and radioactivity measurements
  • Remediation concept
  • Planning and monitoring of radiation protection measures
  • Monitoring of remediation measures
  • Clearance measurement and release of contaminated equipment and construction machinery
  • Disposal concept
  • Management with the authorities
  • Monitoring of disposal
  • Documentation